Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What is one of the differences between cell division in plant cells and cell division in animal cells?

What is one of the differences between cell division in plant cells and cell division in animal cells?

A) Plant cells do not use a mitotic spindle to separate chromosomes.

B) Plant cells separate chromosomes by attachment to the plasma membrane.

C) In a plant cell, there is no nucleus around the chromosomes.

D) There is no DNA replication before cell division in plant cells.

E) Plant cells separate by growth of a cell wall and membrane in the middle of the cell.What is one of the differences between cell division in plant cells and cell division in animal cells?
E is the correct answers. After the last phase of mitosis, animal cells undergo cytokinesis - a pinching of the cytoplasm and cell membrane into two separate entities. However, plant cells simply grow a new wall in the middle of the cell once chromosomes and organelles have separated from the metaphase plate.What is one of the differences between cell division in plant cells and cell division in animal cells?
EWhat is one of the differences between cell division in plant cells and cell division in animal cells?
E. is the one

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