Saturday, February 25, 2012

Question about meiosis?

Consider a single cell going through meiosis

a. How many chromosome and which chromosomes does each other the daughter cells contains?

b. How is genetic variation created in gametes cells? In what stage?

5. Six cetromeres are observed in a prophase 1 cell from a species of insect. How many homologous pairs are present?Question about meiosis?
a. The cells produced by meiosis will by haploid, meaning they will have half the amount of chromosomes compared to the original cell.

b. Genetic variation is created in gamete cells because germ cells contain chromosomes that have undergone crossing over during prophase I of meiosis. Furthermore, the genes in the germ cell are randomly selected from the original chromosome, and only one of the original chromosomes will be present. Meaning, if a cell is heterozygous for a particular gene, the germ cells have a fifty fifty shot of containing either the dominant or recessive gene. This variation would be caused by anaphase I.

5. The number of centromeres will correspond with the number of chromosomes. In this case, that number would be 6.

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