Saturday, March 10, 2012

What do you think is more dangerous: using a cell phone while driving or speeding?

Please elaborate in your answer.

I believe using a cell phone while driving is more dangerous but if you agree with that, how do you explain why speeding is attributed to many more deaths than cell phone usage especially when considering that using cell phones is legal in most places while speeding, by definition, isn't?What do you think is more dangerous: using a cell phone while driving or speeding?
Using cells phones (both holding them in your hand and using a hands free) increase the likelyhood of an accident.

However speed also has a big impact. Adding a few miles per hour to your speed will mean that you have many more feet before you will stop.

Phone accidents are likely to happen at lower speeds, and not be life threatening, while speed increases the seriousness of the accident.

So cell phones could result in more accidents but speeding will reuslt in more deaths.
using a cell while driving is more dangerous, speeding causes more accidents becasue your time to react to situations is decreased the faster you go. Other people cant judge how fast your going when changing lanes or pulling on to the road. Cell phone usage while driving is very distractive and the fact that most people cant drive anyways then they add the cell phone into the equation, its the best way to have an accident. Cars should come with devices that block your phone from working. And the bluetooth crap is just as bad. Driving in your car is only for driving, its not a mobile telephone booth, or a moving resaraunt. All your mind power should be used for driving. Look into driving in Germany, they are about the only people that have the idea right...What do you think is more dangerous: using a cell phone while driving or speeding?
It's harder to determine whether a person causing an accident was on their phone or not, they tend to not be forthcoming with that information, so it's virtually impossible to monitor. Driving whilst on the phone is illegal in the UK, and anyone seen doing it has an instant fine slapped on them.

Your initial question of which is more dangerous?, well they're both dangerous in different ways, speeding turns a car into an even more dangerous weapon than it already is, being on the phone means the driver is distracted and driving one-handed, meaning that the "weapon" becomes less controllable. Both are bad.
It depends how fast you're going, under what circumstances.

By far, I'd suggest that a combination of the two is more dangerous.

If somebody is on a cell phone and going the speed limit, you're relatively unlikely to have a fatality. But if you're going at an excessive speed for the road, then you never know when you might end up in a situation in which you don't have enough reaction time. Add a distraction like a cell phone to the equation, reducing your awareness and reaction time, and you become a cataclysm on wheels.What do you think is more dangerous: using a cell phone while driving or speeding?
It would really depend on how fast your speeding, but i do agree with you, cell phones seem more dangerous, I speed a little, but I am paying attention while I drive, so chances of an accident are less likely than if I were to be talking to someone and not paying attention to the road, but who knows.
Cell phone use while driving is extremely dangerous because it is so distracting and requires use of one hand. It is even more dangerous to dial while driving. People speed all the time -- it's the norm. Speeding doesn't cause accidents; distracted driving does.
It's a lot easier to determine death by speed than it is by cell use. Cell phones don't leave evidence like speeding does. It's also a lot harder to lie about speeding than it is about using a cell phone. Plus, not much data is taken on cell use.
i don't really know,but using a cell phone is more danger than speed.well speed is danger alot,but i would say that they both more danger.
that is like asking, which worse to be shot in the head or heart.

using a cell while driving or/and speeding are very dangerous.
Your logic doesn't follow and the answer is obvious. You know cell phones are distracting and neither is a good choice.
cell phone ppl go really slow and swerve in other lanes, if you speeding on highway like 10-15miles over its no big deal.
Don't know where you live but here cellphone use while driving is as illegal as speeding is.
Using a cell phone.
using a cell phone
Quite an oddity there all right.

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